Princess Benedikte and Princess Alexandra Attend the Wedding of Prince Philippos and Nina Flohr — Royal Portraits Gallery
Princess Benedikte and Princess Alexandra Attend the Wedding of Prince Philippos and Nina Flohr

Princess Benedikte and Princess Alexandra Attend the Wedding of Prince Philippos and Nina Flohr

Princess Benedikte of Denmark, her daughter Princess Alexandra of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, and her son-in-law Count Michael Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille attend the wedding of Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark and Nina Flohr at the Metropolis Greek Orthodox Cathedral on October 23, 2021 in Athens, Greece.

Infanta Elena Attends the Wedding of Prince Philippos and Nina Flohr

Infanta Elena Attends the Wedding of Prince Philippos and Nina Flohr

Princess Beatrice Attends the Wedding of Prince Philippos and Nina Flohr

Princess Beatrice Attends the Wedding of Prince Philippos and Nina Flohr